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B Company
4th Battalion Parachute Regiment
Oldham Lancashire
1966 to 1999
Abbot Barry
Adamson Bill 12-13 4 Para
Antic Andy Capt. TD
Arkle Ben Col. MBE TD
Ash David L/cpl
Ashton Arther
Ashworth Pete
Attkinson Keith
Bailey Colin
Bailey Norman
Badjorsky John
Ball Kenny Sgt.
Bancroft Andy WO 2. QVRM.
Bardsley Mick
Barker Miles
Barlow Howard
Barnes Tony L /Cpl
Barret Geoff
Barret John
Barton John
Barton Pete
Beamer Billy
Beatty Bob
Beatty Pete
Bell Bill (RSM)Maj. NPSO.
Bell Tom
Bell Phil
Bellairs Mike Maj TD.
Bellairs Steve Maj. TD.
Billington Billy
Birch Brian
Bird Clifford
Bland Pat Col /SgtSPSI.
Boardman Steve
Bober Dave
Booley Mick
Booth Jimmy
Bosher Dave
Bowler Jim Sgt.
Boycot John
Brabham Steve
Bradock Malcolm Sgt.
Bradshaw Glyn
Brandwood Dave TD.
Breslin Ged
Broadbent Dave
Brock Trevor L /cpl.
Brown Trevor
Browning Ted L /cpl.
Broxton Alan
Bucannon Rich
Burke John Maj.
Burlinson John
Burton Jim Col Sgt.SPSI.
Bush Harry WO2. SPSI.
Cambell Clayton
Carrol Phil
Cartwright Steve Spr.
Cathcart Sean
Castle Bill Lt.
Chapman Mick
Charnock Les PSI.
Clancy Gary
Clancy Jerry
Clancy Jimmy
Clancy Mick
Clark Simon
Clark Gary
Close Colin Cpl
Cocker Jimmy
Collinson John
Collis Jim Maj.
Conreen Dave Capt.
Cook Barry Sgt.
Cook Frank
Cooper Ken WO2. MBE
Cosgrove Kevin
Cosgrove Steve
Cragg Steve
Craig Russel
Cribbin Sean
Croller Mick Cpl.
Crompton Alfie WO2 PSI.
Crottie Burt Sgt.
Crowther Frank
Crowther John
Crowther Martin
Cuffe Dan
Currah Ian
Dale Ian
Davies Brian WO2.
Davies Gerry C /Sgt. PTI.
Davies Ian
Davies Ken
Davies Neil
Deans Stuart
One MD.
Seven TD.
Four MBE
Delsoldato Bernard 12-13 4
Delsoldato Dave 12-13 4Para
Dewar Mick
Dibb Robert
Diggle Pte.
Dixon Kevin C /pl.
Dixon Paul
Dodds Yokka Ex D Coy.
Doherty Will
Driver Martin
Dunks Stephen
Ebden Alan
Ebden John
Edwards Glyn Capt.
Evans Malcolm PSI.
Fairbrother Steve
Fairhurst Steve
Farley Jim
Farley Pat
Farrell John Sgt.
Farrell Tom Sgt.
Farrington Mick Capt.
Fenton John
Fildes Keith C Sgt 12-13 4 Para
Fitzgibbon Spencer Lt.
Fitzue Rob
Fletcher John Cpl
Ford Dan
Ford Dougy
Ford Les
Fortun Joe
Foster Alan L /cpl
Frogate Joe
Gandy Fred
Ganley Mick
Gee Paul Maj QVRM
Gill Mark
Gleave Ged Sgt.
Gillmore Alan
Godwin Sam Cpl.
Goodhall Dave
Gordon Barry
Gordon Keith
Glendening Mick
Gnude John PSI.
Grantham Stuart
Grey Gordon C / sgt PSI.
Green John
Green Steve
Greenwood Robert
Gregg Peter
Gunn Scot
Hall Alan WO2.
Hall John Maj.
Hand Chris
Hand Jimmy
Hand Nick Sgt.
Hardicker Joe
Harding John 12-13th 4 Para
Hardman Pete
Harrison Russ
Harrop Andy
Hastings Kerry
Hatton Gary
Hatton Neil
Heywood John
Heap John
Herne Billy PSI.
Heeney John
Hendry Paul
Hennigan Pte.
Henshaw Norman
Hetherington Dave
Higgins Carl
Higgins Harry
Higgins Vinnie
Hilditch Geoff
Hill Vince
Hodges Norman Col.TD
Hogson Andy
Hodgkinson Pete SPSI.
Holts Martin
Houldsworth Steve
Howarth Mick
Howarth Paul
Huda Neil
Hughes Arther 12=13 4 pARA
Hughes Bob Sgt.
Hunt Chris
Hurst Pete
Island Phil
Isaacs Lenny
Ives Mark
Jarvis Dougy
Johnson Jimmy
Johnson Rodney ( Rod )
Jones Alan
Jones Stan
Jones Bill
Johnson Jimmy
Johnson Rod
Jorden Joe
Joy Mick
Kane Joh n
Kane Nick
Keene Steve Capt.
Kehoe John
Kelly Mick
Kenton Eric
Kenyon Eric
Kennedy Ted
Kernes Frank Sgt.
Kershaw Nick Maj.
Kershaw Alwyn
Kershaw John ( Ozzy )
Kingsley Pte
Laker Freddy
Lamb Brian Sgt.
Lamb Kevin
Lang Lester
Lawton Graham
Lawrence Dave
Lee Dave
Lee Eric
Lomax Steve
Lowe Phil
Lloyd Price
Lumby Gorden 12-13 th
Lumby Lew 12 - 13 th
Lumby Keith 12-13 th
Lyle Brynn
Lyle Ian
Lythgoe Pete Col Sgt.
Madden Steve
Mahon Charles Maj. OC.
Mason Ken Capt.
Marsden Ginge Sgt.
Marston Steve
Martyniuk Yaro
Massey Walter
Melia John
Mellor Dave
Menah Bob
Menell Mark Lcpl.
Meradith Taff
Maynell Gary
McDade Vinnie
McCale Chris
McCarthy Dave
Mc Cauly Dave Maj.
McGann Martin
McGreavy Frank
McGuire Terry
McMahon Robert
McNiff Dominic
McCusker Norman
McGibbon Jock
Mllar Terry
Millar Tommy WO2.
Mills John
Mitchel Pte.
Money Dave
Moores Tommy Sgt.
Mooney Mick
Moss Graham
Mullen Bernard Sgt PSI.
Mullen Mick QMS.
Nelson Phil
Nelson Mark
Newman Victor LT.
Newsham Dave PSI.
Newton Derrick
Noble Pete
Nolan Martin
Noon Mick
Oats martin
Oglaza Adam
O'Hara Darren
Oldham Steve
O'Marne Danny WO2 Psi
O'Reilley Matt
Oats Martin
Padmore John Maj. OC
Padgnt Andy
Parkinson Dave
Partner Joe
Palfryman Craig
Palfry John
Pearson Dave
Penn Mark
Pennington John Capt.
Perry George
Pointon Gerry
Pollak Tom Col. CO. RIP.
Potter Ken
Prince Jimmy
Rajput Abdul
Ramdale Wyatt Lt.
Rankin Norman
Reake Johnny
Reynolds Pete
Riley Kevin
Roberts Bob
Robinson Billy
Rowntree Ron SPSI.
Russel Craig
Salt Frank Ex 2 Para
Sanchez Pte.
Sawford John
Scott George
Stott Barry Deer Hill Range
Seaton Alan Sgt.
Selby Bernard
Settersfield Eddie
Schofield John Sgt.
Schofield Mick
Schofield Roy
Scholes Tom
Scolltock John WO2.
Scolltock Pete
Scragg Carl
Shanklin Sam
Shallcross Russ
Short Mathew ( Jock )
Skeevy Vic Cpl.
Smith Dave Rsm.
Smith George
Smith Ken
Smalley Derrick
Smith George
Smith Ken
Smith Malcolm
Somers Paddy
Southerland Nick Lcpl.
Spence Walter
Spencer Frank Cpl.
Spence Gordon
Stannard Adrian WO2.
Stanley Alan
Stanley Terry
Stannard Adrien WO2.
Stankavic Milos MBE.
Stansfield Dave
Stead Geoff WO2. MiD.
Stephenson Phil
Steward Frank Cpl.
Stott Barry ( Deer Hill )
Tate Ian
Taylor Ian
Taylor Neil
Taylor Roy
Taylor Johnny
Taylor Pete
Taylor Terry
Taylor Scott
Thomson Andy
Thornbourgh Dougy
Thornycroft Mark
Tilley Pete
Tinker Paul
Travis Jeff
Travis Paul
Turner Geoff
Turner Jim Ex Engr.
Turner Mark Lt.
Vale Pete
Walchynuik Nick
Walker George
Walker Steve
Wallah Lee
Wallis Johnny
Walmby Glen Lt.
Walmsley Frank
Walmsley Jim
Walsh John
Walsh John Ex. Guard
Warburton Stuart
Ward Tommy
Warren Trevor
Whalley Pete
Warrender Ian
Welsh Terry
Whalley Pete
White Terry
Whitehead Carl
Whitehead Dave
Wiblin Mick Ex 2 Para
Wild Billy Sgt. PSI.
Wilson Ike
Wilson Mick
Williams Malcolm
Williams Reece
Williamson John
Williamson Mick
Wood Derrick Sgt.
Wood Geof ( Paper Knickers)
Wood John
Wood Keith
Wooley Herbie
Wooley Mick
Wynne Chug PSI.
Young Howard
Zaman Roy Sgt.
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